Passionate, Proactive,
It is almost a year and while we have made progress, many feel that the greatest country in the world has fallen short of addressing this pandemic.
Relax, Relate, & Release!
Summer is here, enjoy it. This season is always too short. If you are in the midst of summer classes, good for you. If not, don’t forget your long term goals.
Growing Our Own
As of today, three of the new graduates that I work with have found full time roles. I have encouraged them to continue their search in the midst of our mission to vaccinate the community.
Non-traditional pathway
Summer is here, enjoy it. This season is always too short. If you are in the midst of summer classes, good for you!
Support Systems
It has been over a year since I have seen my Princess Airman. My 2nd daughter is in the United States Airforce. She is currently stationed abroad and I miss her dearly.
In My Feelings
How are you feeling today? Are you in any physical, emotional, spiritual, or psychological pain? Are you sad, mad, happy, or content?
Staying Fit
I have always been the biggest procrastinator when it comes to consistent exercise. I have had gym memberships and personal trainers.
"The COVID-19 Vaccine"
It’s been three weeks since I began vaccinating the NYC community. It is certainly an emotional event for many. Yesterday was the inauguration and one person felt their being vaccinated, along with this historical event, was one of the best days of their life.